Master the Unforgiven Path: Command with the Dark Angels Course!

Embrace the unyielding resolve and hidden power of the Dark Angels in Warhammer 40K with our expertly crafted masterclass. Whether you’re a seasoned commander of the Unforgiven or newly inducted into their ranks, this course will refine your skills and deepen your understanding of the Dark Angels’ unique strategies. Dive into expert analysis, tactical insights, and practical lessons designed to help you master the updated Dark Angels Codex and dominate the battlefield. Even if you don’t lead the Dark Angels, this masterclass provides a comprehensive exploration of their secretive strength, preparing you to counter them with confidence.

For a limited time, access this in-depth course for just $46—cheaper than a squad of Intercessors! Secure your spot now and stay ahead with future updates on the most effective detachments!

Masterclass Series Subscription

$30 $15

Get your first month for just $15

($30 per month thereafter), own all of our masterclasses and be the first to recieve updates to the meta!

Dark Angels Masterclass


Unlock an in-depth masterclass dedicated to mastering the Dark Angels, packed with expert knowledge, tactical insights, and comprehensive strategies.

The Ultimate Dark Angels Masterclass: Detachments, Deployment and Advanced Tactics


Dive deep into the Dark Angels unique army rules and their strategic applications. Discover how to leverage these rules to enhance your units’ effectiveness and gain a decisive advantage on the battlefield.


Explore the intricacies of various Dark Angels detachments, including the Deathwing and Ravenwing. Get expert tips on constructing effective army lists and optimising deployment strategies for each detachment.


Delve into advanced deployment techniques specific to the Dark Angels. Learn how to strategically position your forces for maximum impact and adaptability during battle.


Gain insider knowledge on advanced strategies and tactics to elevate your gameplay. Learn how to employ sophisticated maneuvers and cunning tactics to control the battlefield and outmaneuver your opponents.

The Ultimate Dark Angels Masterclass: Specialised Modules for Popular Detachments

The Dark Angels Masterclass offers a deep dive into the following detachments, covering gameplay mechanics, tactical insights, unit synergies, and advanced deployment strategies. Learn how to harness the power of the Dark Angels with focused lessons on commanding this faction and mastering the battlefield.

    Unforgiven Task Force Detachment

    Master the combined might of the Unforgiven Task Force. Learn how to utilize its strengths and compensate for its weaknesses with a detailed SWOT analysis, example lists, deployment strategies, and advanced tactics for the first turn.

    Inner Circle Task Force Detachment

    Focus on the elite Deathwing units within the Inner Circle Task Force detachment. Push your infantry to new levels of power with the Vow Target mechanic. This module covers detailed detachment analysis, SWOT analysis, example lists, deployment strategies, and advanced combat tactics.

    Company of hunters Detachment

    Lead the deadly Ravenwing forces with the Company of Hunters detachment. Learn how to apply early board pressure and dominate with mobility. Includes in-depth analysis, SWOT analysis, example lists, deployment tips, and advanced strategies.

    Dark Angels & codex space marine Detachments

    Combine the Dark Angels Supplement with the main Space Marines Codex for maximum impact. Explore the three most effective detachments, a competitive list example, and insights into deploying and executing the Ironstorm list to crush unprepared opponents.

    Hi, I’m Stephen


    As a trained teacher and coach with over 15 years of experience, I decided to dedicate my time to teaching Warhammer 40K players the tactics and strategies that took me years to acquire before I could play with confidence.

    Vanguard Tactics was created to be the space that I would have wanted to study when I first started playing. You are probably aware that the game is extremely complex and takes a long time to master. 

    No matter your starting point, the Vanguard Tactics has the course for you. We will give you the clarity that you need to improve, increase your confidence at the table and give you an incredible community to be part of. 

    Leave behind the frustrations and feeling overwhelmed and spend more time playing.

    Master Dark Angels: Unlock Elite Tactics and Strategies for Just $46!

    Unlock the strategic might of the Dark Angels in Warhammer 40K with our comprehensive masterclass. Whether you’re a new commander or a seasoned veteran of the Unforgiven, this course provides expert insights and practical lessons to master this elite faction. Even if you don’t play Dark Angels, gain a deep understanding to face them with confidence. Get it now for just $46—secure this price and stay ahead with future updates on key detachments!

    Masterclass Series Subscription

    $30 $15

    Get your first month for just $15

    ($30 per month thereafter), own all of our masterclasses and be the first to recieve updates to the meta!

    Dark Angels Masterclass


    Unlock an in-depth masterclass dedicated to mastering the Dark Angels, packed with expert knowledge, tactical insights, and comprehensive strategies.

    We recently surveyed our Space Marine Masterclass students, and the feedback was overwhelming! 

    Average Overall Rating 4.66/5 (43 Responses)

    I found the Space Marine Masterclass incredibly engaging. From the breadth of topics discuss through the depth of analysis offered – this had it all. I was able to build on what I thought were my strengths, and improve upon (and identify some new) weaknesses. The team made me think of new ways to build lists across the detachments, really allowing me to maximize my collection. Great value in this class, and I would recommend VT Masterclass to anyone looking to improve their play with or against the armies presented!


    The Masterclass was an eye opener for me. I didn’t think there are any options for me to play my Space Wolves successfully. With the Masterclass detachment analysis and advice regarding Chapters, I realised my Wolves are back and fighting.

    Masterclass offered excellent insights and I found myself pausing the video and cross checking the video to get the most of it. Good stuff and will revisit the content a couple of times I’m sure.