Check out this video, featuring all the strategies in this article, absolutely free over on our youtube channel. 

Welcome to this lesson where we delve into advanced tactics for the veterans of the Long War. Today, Michael and Jordan will explore strategic manoeuvres and tactics to optimise your gameplay.

Let’s dive in!


Utilising Focus Targets and Bringers of Despair

Our first tactic revolves around combining the focus target with two powerful strategies: the Bringers of Despair, which allows us to fight first against a focus target (focus target is the army rule).

Imagine a scenario where a squad of Space Marine Sternguard holds an objective. Instead of trading valuable units inefficiently, we can strategically target their backup unit, like Space Marine Bladeguard Veterans, ensuring a favourable outcome.

Step-by-Step Strategy:

  1. Identify the Focus Target: Choose the Bladeguard as the focus target instead of the Sternguard.
  2. Charge and Destroy: Move your unit to charge and eliminate the Sternguard.
  3. Prepare for Counter-Attack: If the blade guard retaliates, use the Bringers of Despair stratagem, spending command points to fight first.

By effectively managing command points and focusing on high-value targets, you can maintain control and reduce losses.

Implementing Millennia of Experience Stratagem

Next, let’s explore the Millennia of Experience stratagem, a reactive move that allows you to reposition units when an opponent moves within nine inches.


  1. Reactive Movement: If an opponent moves close, you can move a unit six inches to create a defensive formation.
  2. Strategic Positioning: Use berserkers or other units to block valuable assets, ensuring the enemy cannot reach their target without significant effort.

This stratagem is particularly useful for maintaining control of objectives and setting up favourable engagements.

Advanced Tactical Moves with Berserkers

Berserkers can play a crucial role in tactical flexibility. By leveraging their abilities and the Millennia of Experience stratagem, you can create scenarios where the opponent is forced into disadvantageous positions.


  • Block and Engage: Use berserkers to block enemy units while maintaining control over objectives.
  • Blood Surge: Stop your opponent from shooting the berserkers as they can now blood surge into combat and stop the charge.

Simplifying Tactics with Transports

Transports offer another layer of tactical depth, especially in positioning and objective control.

Transport Tactics:

  1. Reactive Move into Transport: Move units into a Rhino or similar transport when under threat. Get within 3 inches and embark within the transport by using your reactive move stratagem which will count as a normal move to make such a move possible.
  2. Positioning: Keep the transport behind cover, like an L-shaped ruin, for optimal deployment and charging capabilities.

This approach ensures your units remain mobile and protected, ready to respond to threats dynamically.


Mastering these advanced tactics allows you to manipulate battlefield positions, control objectives, and engage enemies on your terms. By effectively combining focus targets, reactive movements, and strategic positioning, you can maximise the potential of your Veterans of the Long War detachment.

Thank you for joining us in this lesson. We hope these tactics enhance your gameplay and lead you to victory. Stay tuned for more strategic insights in our next session!

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