In the shadowed corners of the galaxy, where whispered secrets spark insurrections, a defining clash is set to erupt. Welcome to another captivating Warhammer 40k Battle Report, meticulously crafted by Vanguard Tactics.

On a forlorn battlefield, a place bearing scars from countless forgotten skirmishes, Stephen mobilises the subterranean menace of the Genestealer Cults, their psychic murmurs sowing discord and rebellion. Opposing him, Chris stands resolute with the golden guardians of Terra, the Adeptus Custodes. As Chris marshals the Emperor’s chosen, wielding gleaming halberds and sentinel blades, will Stephen’s insidious schemes and the Cult’s guerilla tactics unbalance these paragons of loyalty?

For this epic engagement, we unfurl 2000pts for each army, delving deep into the strategic depths of Warhammer’s 10th Edition. Our sincere appreciation goes to Games Workshop, without whom these compelling Battle Reports would remain a distant dream.

Venture with us as we decode the Index rules, parading a medley of units to illustrate the distinct abilities and stratagems endemic to each faction. Those keen on mastering these strategies can source the Index rules directly from the Warhammer Community.

Witness the strategic dance between Stephen’s elusive Genestealer Cults and Chris’s unyielding Adeptus Custodes, seamlessly choreographed through the Leviathan mission cards, ensuring you receive the quintessential Warhammer 40k experience.

To elevate the drama on your Warhammer 40K tabletop, our sponsor, The Outpost, boasts an extensive array of Genestealer Cults and Adeptus Custodes miniatures.

Join us in this descent into the intricate tapestry of the future. The stage is set, the generals primed. Will your allegiance lie with Stephen’s Genestealer Cults or Chris’s Adeptus Custodes? Make your stand, and may the dice favour your destiny.

Please do like, share, comment, and subscribe for an ever-growing array of Battle Reports. Your support drives us, inspiring our commitment to bringing you the zenith of Warhammer 40K. Relish the combat and step into the vanguard.

Stephen's Genestealer Cults

GSC – LSO (1995 Points)

Genestealer Cults

Ascension Day

Strike Force (2000 Points)




Biophagus (80 Points)

• 1x Alchemicus Familiar

1x Autopistol

1x Chemical vials

1x Injector goad

• Enhancements: Inscrutable Cunning


Clamavus (80 Points)

• 1x Autopistol

1x Close combat weapon

• Enhancements: Meticulous Planner


Jackal Alphus (75 Points)

• 1x Autopistol

1x Close combat weapon

1x Cult sniper rifle

• Enhancements: Prowling Agitant


Jackal Alphus (60 Points)

• 1x Autopistol

1x Close combat weapon

1x Cult sniper rifle


Nexos (50 Points)

• 1x Autopistol

1x Close combat weapon


Nexos (50 Points)

• 1x Autopistol

1x Close combat weapon


Primus (70 Points)

• 1x Cult bonesword

1x Scoped needle pistol

1x Toxin injector claw


Primus (70 Points)

• 1x Cult bonesword

1x Scoped needle pistol

1x Toxin injector claw


Reductus Saboteur (55 Points)

• Warlord

• 1x Autopistol

1x Close combat weapon

1x Demolition charges

1x Remote explosives




Acolyte Hybrids (150 Points)

• 1x Acolyte Leader

• 1x Hand flamer

1x Leader’s cult weapons

• 9x Acolyte Hybrid

• 1x Cult Icon

9x Cult claws and knife

4x Demolition charges

4x Hand flamer


Acolyte Hybrids (150 Points)

• 1x Acolyte Leader

• 1x Hand flamer

1x Leader’s cult weapons

• 9x Acolyte Hybrid

• 1x Cult Icon

9x Cult claws and knife

4x Demolition charges

4x Hand flamer


Acolyte Hybrids (150 Points)

• 1x Acolyte Leader

• 1x Hand flamer

1x Leader’s cult weapons

• 9x Acolyte Hybrid

• 1x Cult Icon

9x Cult claws and knife

4x Demolition charges

4x Hand flamer


Acolyte Hybrids (150 Points)

• 1x Acolyte Leader

• 1x Hand flamer

1x Leader’s cult weapons

• 9x Acolyte Hybrid

• 1x Cult Icon

9x Cult claws and knife

4x Demolition charges

4x Hand flamer


Neophyte Hybrids (80 Points)

• 1x Neophyte Leader

• 1x Autopistol

1x Leader pistol

1x Power weapon

• 9x Neophyte Hybrid

• 9x Autopistol

9x Close combat weapon

1x Cult Icon

5x Hybrid firearm

2x Seismic cannon

2x Webber




Aberrants (330 Points)

• 1x Aberrant Hypermorph

• 1x Heavy power weapon

1x Hypermorph tail

• 9x Aberrant

• 9x Heavy power weapon


Achilles Ridgerunners (75 Points)

• 1x Heavy mortar

1x Ridgerunner wheels

1x Spotter

1x Twin heavy stubber


Atalan Jackals (160 Points)

• 8x Atalan Jackal

• 8x Atalan power weapon

6x Atalan small arms

2x Grenade launcher

• 2x Atalan Wolfquad

• 2x Atalan incinerator

2x Atalan small arms

2x Close combat weapon


Atalan Jackals (160 Points)

• 8x Atalan Jackal

• 8x Atalan power weapon

6x Atalan small arms

2x Grenade launcher

• 2x Atalan Wolfquad

• 2x Atalan incinerator

2x Atalan small arms

2x Close combat weapon

Chris' Adeptus Custodes

From Golden Light (2000 Points)


Adeptus Custodes

Shield Host

Strike Force (2000 Points)




Blade Champion (125 Points)

• 1x Vaultswords

• Enhancements: Veiled Blade


Shield-Captain (150 Points)

• 1x Guardian spear

• Enhancements: Ceaseless Hunter


Trajann Valoris (145 Points)

• Warlord

• 1x Watcher’s Axe




Custodian Guard (450 Points)

• 10x Custodian Guard

• 7x Guardian spear

1x Misericordia

2x Praesidium Shield

1x Praesidium Shield

2x Sentinel blade

1x Vexilla


Custodian Guard (225 Points)

• 5x Custodian Guard

• 4x Guardian spear

1x Praesidium Shield

1x Sentinel blade


Prosecutors (50 Points)

• 1x Prosecutor Sister Superior

• 1x Boltgun

1x Close combat weapon

• 4x Prosecutor

• 4x Boltgun

4x Close combat weapon


Prosecutors (50 Points)

• 1x Prosecutor Sister Superior

• 1x Boltgun

1x Close combat weapon

• 4x Prosecutor

• 4x Boltgun

4x Close combat weapon




Allarus Custodians (130 Points)

• 2x Allarus Custodian

• 2x Balistus grenade launcher

2x Guardian spear


Allarus Custodians (130 Points)

• 2x Allarus Custodian

• 2x Balistus grenade launcher

2x Guardian spear


Allarus Custodians (130 Points)

• 2x Allarus Custodian

• 2x Balistus grenade launcher

2x Guardian spear


Custodian Wardens (300 Points)

• 5x Custodian Warden

• 5x Guardian spear

1x Vexilla




Callidus Assassin (115 Points)

• 1x Neural shredder

1x Phase sword and poison blades

Tyranid Balance Dataslate Review: Matt Lorah’s Hot Takes

Tyranid Balance Dataslate Review: Matt Lorah’s Hot Takes

Matt's Hot Takes: Tyranids Post-Balance Dataslate Welcome to Vanguard Tactics! Today, we're diving into the hot takes from Matt Lorah, our Vanguard Tactics coach and the winner of the Las Vegas Open 2024. Recently, Matt made a remarkable transition from Necrons to...

Purchasing from our sponsors is a great way to show support for the channel!

At Vanguard Tactics, we are proud to collaborate with amazing sponsors who share our passion for Warhammer 40K. Our partners include The Outpost, a UK-based gaming and hobby store with a welcoming community; Colour Forge, offering high-quality spray paints to bring your miniatures to life; Siege Studios, providing a premium painting service with exceptional attention to detail; and Frontline Gaming, a one-stop shop for gaming mats, terrain, and hobby supplies. Supporting these sponsors not only helps them grow but also supports Vanguard Tactics in our mission to deliver the best Warhammer 40K content and coaching.